By Maida Khan
Sun is rising and the darkness is going away. I did not sleep whole night and right now, its 4:40 am. After two and a half years, I am writing something for a blog from which I got much recognition and appreciation during my time at Islamic University, although all my previous writings were a bit childish. I also read my previous articles and pointed so many grammatical mistakes but that is completely fine because I will still make many. Mistakes! What a wonderful teacher they are. Unless we do not fall in life, we truly do not understand the joy of standing at our own feet. If someone tells you that, he/she reached his destination without going through ups and downs in life. Believe me he/she is a big liar.
People try their best to avoid pain in life but most of them do not avoid giving it to others. It is their nature what they cannot not achieve in life; they want to snatch it from others as well. You will keep meeting such sweet double-faced assholes throughout your life. They will judge you, will say wrong words about you and will keep torturing you through so many tactics. At times, you will feel down because of them but in reality, they are the ones who are constantly pushing you up to achieve something greater, other than their company in life. They give you motivation to go ahead and move away from them. In addition, when you do so and reach your destination after much struggle, same people would die to relate themselves with you. People who were once ashamed to relate you with themselves would become your relatives. You will have many newborn cousins, aunties, uncles etc. once you will be at successful position in life. So, accept this pain and fight back repeatedly. Yes! You would fall many times before you reach the top but, stand up and fight back unless you reach your destination. At times of despair, tell yourself: “where there is a will, there is a way”.
Robert Ingersoll once said: “WE RISE BY LIFTING OTHERS”. Traits, which you should never lose in life, are courage, hope and humble attitude towards others, even those assholes. By humble attitude, I do not mean you should give them chance to disturb you again but be humble enough to ignore them completely. Be kind and humble towards those who are struggling now, as once you did. A person who burns the bridge for others after crossing it will never feel satisfied with whatever he/she will achieve in life. Nevertheless, helping hands would always be blessed with few real well-wishers in life. Try to be the one. Rise from the ashes to become a diamond.
The Writer an Aspiring Journalist, a Media Graduate from International Islamic University, Islamabad and she is now pursuing her Master’s Degree in Media Studies from NUST.